Spain Service Immigration

Spain Service Immigration

Certificados (de residencia, de no residencia y de concordancia)

What you need to know​

This is a Spanish certificate confirming the status of a foreigner as a resident or non-resident of Spain (depending on the type of certificate). The concordance certificate or “certificado de concordancia” is the document that verifies, once you have obtained the Spanish nationality and your DNI, that you are exactly the same person who previously had an NIE and residence card as a foreigner. The reason for this document is that when obtaining citizenship, a person receives a completely new DNI number and passport, the number obviously does not match the NIE and TIE number, so it is necessary to accredit on an official document that he is the same person, and the specified change in documentation corresponds to the acquisition of Spanish citizenship.

What is the difference between the residence certificate and the non-resident certificate?

If at the time of entering to request an appointment you noticed that there is also another certificate that is a NON-resident, you should know the difference because it is not the same document.

The residence certificate indicates the periods of legal residence that appear in the Administration.

In the Non-resident certificate, it is accredited that the person is in the legal stay of less than 90 days or within the period indicated on their visa. This is the opposite of residence, here it is intended to demonstrate that the holder does not legally reside in Spain.

On the other hand, there is another certificate known as a concordance certificate that allows a (nationalized) Spaniard to be accredited with his identity concordance, when he previously had a NIE as a foreigner residing in Spain.

Since the registration by itself does not certify the effective residence, many times it is required to prove from what date the status of resident in Spain has been held. This can be verified through a certificate that certifies all periods of residence (cumulative) since obtaining such status.

For example for:

Know exactly the date from which you are a resident in Spain and know when you can start your Spanish nationality file by residence. The exchange of the driver’s license and demonstrate that you obtained your license before residing in Spain.

Basic requirements for issuing a certificate of a resident / non-resident of Spain:

  • Not be in Spain in an irregular situation.
  • That it is requested for economic, professional or social reasons from abroad.
  • That the reasons for requesting said certificate be communicated.

How to get?​

The first step is to make an appointment (cita previa ) on the SEDE – Administraciones Públicas in the province where you reside.

What documents are needed?

Your appointment will take place at the Dirección General de Policía or at the Oficina de Extranjería (the address is given to you when you make the appointment) and you will need to bring the documentation below:

  • The EX-15 and its duplicate previously completed and signed.
  • The completed Modelo 790-012 form which will allow you to pay the administration costs (which are currently around 7 € ).
  • You will need to bring the proof of payment. Completed and signed fee.
  • Power of attorney if you have designated a representative to pick up the certificate for you .
  • Legalized copy of your DNI ( so it is essential that you have already completed the whole process of nationality by residence ) .
  • Original and copy of the complete passport , travel title or registration card , or identity documents if the applicant is a citizen of the European Union. The originals of said documents must be in force.
  • When documents from other countries are provided , they must be translated into Spanish .

    All documents must be original .

Then, depending on your personal situation the relevant documentation detailed below.

As far as the delivery dates are concerned, the concordance document can be delivered, on many occasions, immediately to the applicant, while, at other times with more work volume, its delivery can be take between 4 and 5 business days.

On the other hand, all foreign public documents must be previously legalized by the Spanish Consular Office with jurisdiction in the country in which said document was issued or, as the case may be, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, except in the case in which said document has been apostilled by the competent Authority of the issuing country according to the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961 and unless said document is exempt from legalization by virtue of the International Convention.

Remember that depending on your case and nationality, you might need other additional documents.

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We can help you with completing the forms and accompany you to the appointment.