NIE ("Número de Identidad de Extranjero")
Foreigner Identification Number.
The NIE is a unique code assigned to non-Spanish nationals who reside in Spain or have economic or social interests there.
The NIE consists of a letter followed by 7 digits and then another letter (Y0000000-X).

TIE ("Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero")
Foreigner Identity Card.
The TIE is a unique and exclusive document that certifies the legal stay in Spain of non-EU foreigners who have a residence permit for more than six months, or all foreigners who have obtained permission for long-term residence.
Additionally, it serves as an identity document for foreigners.

DNI ("Documento Nacional de Identidad")
National Identity Document.
The DNI is not only a document but also a code that every Spanish national has from birth. Upon acquiring Spanish citizenship, a DNI is immediately assigned.
The DNI consists of 8 digits followed by a letter (00000000-E).

NIF ("Número de Identificación Fiscal")
Tax Identification Number.
As the name suggests, this is a unique code assigned to an individual or legal entity (company or fund) for tax identification purposes. In the case of individuals, the NIF matches the DNI or NIE, while companies or funds are assigned a unique NIF upon their establishment.
The NIF provided to legal entities consists of a letter followed by 8 digits (X00000000), and for individuals, a letter followed by 7 digits and then a letter (X0000000H).