Spain Service Immigration

Nie number | Nie card

In Spain, for EU passport holders, there are two types of documents related to the NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero):

1. NIE Number. This is a basic identification number issued to EU passport holders. It is typically a number written on a white piece of paper. The NIE Number is primarily used for administrative tasks and legal procedures in Spain. It allows you to engage in activities such as property transactions, opening a bank account, or starting a business. It is essential for anyone planning to stay in Spain for more than three months, even if they don’t intend to become a permanent resident.

2. NIE Card (Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la Unión or Tarjeta de Residencia). The NIE Card is a more comprehensive residency document. It is a little green card that serves as a residency certificate. This card is equivalent to the national ID card (DNI) for Spanish citizens. EU passport holders who plan to reside in Spain for an extended period typically obtain this card. It allows you to complete various paperwork and enjoy certain benefits as a resident of Spain.



This is a basic identification number issued to EU passport holders. It is typically a number written on a white piece of paper.
  • Buy property
  • Purchase a car
  • Get a contract with utilities and services
  • Pay taxes
  • Buy or sell property
  • Open a bank account
  • Work or establish a business
  • Sign contracts or other legal or tax activity

It is essential for anyone planning to stay in Spain for more than three months, even if they don’t intend to become a permanent resident.

What documents are needed?

  • Application by filling out the EX15 form.
  • The completed Modelo 790-012 form. When filling in, select Asignación de Número de Identidad de Extranjero (NIE) a instancia del interesado (currently 9.64 euro). Completed and signed fee.
Little green paper card laminated on the back. Contains NIE number together with your name, date and birthplace, address in Spain and date of application. Required for stays exceeding 3 months. NIE card is awarded only if you meet one of the following conditions (for EU-citizens):
  • Have a job for a Spanish employer
  • Be self – employed ( autonomo )
  • Be a student and have health insurance
  • Have enough funds to maintain yourself and have valid health insurance in Spain

What documents are needed?

  • Application EX18 form.
  • The completed Modelo 790-012 form which will allow you to pay the administration costs (which are currently 12€).
  • NIE certificate with permanent character – for the people who will stay in Spain for a definite or indefinite period, such as for studying purposes, for work, or living in Spain for longer than 3 months.
nie verde

How to get?​

The first step is to make an appointment (cita previa ) on the SEDE – Administraciones Públicas in the province where you reside.

Remember that depending on your case and nationality, you might need other additional documents.

Need help?Contact us by WhatsApp or write to

We can help you with completing the forms and accompany you to the appointment.